Danville Running and Fitness Club

Resources for the Danville Runner

November 2016

Turkey Day 5K "Run so others can eat" Results

Date of Race: 
11/24/2016 - 8:00am

On behalf of Adam Jones and The Brick, I want to say Thank You and God Bless to the over 85 runners and volunteers (Mary Jane and Gary Uitto) who braved the early morning rain to participate in the annual Turkey Trot 5K..Your generous donations (a SUV full of food) will be turned into God's Storehouse. Please stop by The Brick this Saturday for Small Business Saturday and show Adam your support and appreciation. The DRFC wants to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels over the weekend.Totals from the food collection will be posted later.

Lee Eagle

Predict Your Time Challenge

12/31/2016 - 10:00am - 11:00am


...keep reading >>

YMCA 5K Run/Walk/10K Run Results

Date of Race: 
11/05/2016 - 9:00am

YMCA 5K Run/Walk/10K Run
