New Years Day Predict Your Time 5K
01/01/2025 - 10:00am - 11:00am New Years Day Predict Your Time 5K
01/01/2025 - 10:00am- 11:00am
The annual Predict your Time Challenge will be held on Jan.1st. 2025 at 10:00am. The start/finish line is on the Boardwalk behind the Holiday Inn / Biscuitville on Riverside Drive. The turn around is halfway between the Crossing bridge and the railroad trestle on the Riverwalk Trail. Runners will sign up with their predictions prior to the start and the closest male and female to their predicted time will be declared the winner. The course is slightly more than a 5K. NO stopwatch or othertiming devices will be allowed. This is a pet friendly event. Special rabbit and turtle prizes will be awarded. Water will be provided at the finish line, but no water stop will be on the course.This is a relatively flat, fast course and will probably be your fastest time so far this year. This is a free event. Updates coming soon.