Danville Running and Fitness Club

Resources for the Danville Runner

Next Race: New Years Day 5K - 1/1/2025
Results of Goodyear Education 5k Run/Walk
Date of Race: 
Sat, 04/04/2009 (All day)

Corporate Cup to team with lowest combined finish time.

URW Community Federal Credit Union: 158 min 5 sec. CUP WINNER
----22:12 L C Moore
----22:59 Jimmy Newcomb
----56:22 Phyllis Bickford
----56:32 Brice Bickford

Danville Orthopedic Clinic, Inc.: 161 min 39 sec.
----30:33 Michelle Beale
----38:10 Linda Jarosz
----46:19 Donna Amos
----46:37 Mary Fuquay

Saunders Building Supply: 173 min 46 sec.
----36:05 Adam Jones

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